Monday, May 12, 2008


Well, I think we are doing a fantastic job updating this thing. Sometimes, isn't everybody like, "Please! No more minutiae! Take a break already!" They are!

Here's why the world is going straight to Hell:

#1: The GOP is supremely evil and just as stupid, but neither quality has turned off the completely retarded America we know and love (second poll on the page).

#2: This girl is obviously a different kind of retarded, but she's not the fringe aberration we'd both wish for; she's a new breed of ignorant, entitled idiots who can't figure out why a dress like this would keep her out of prom. (Sorry, no links for that -- just a growing list of anecdotes from my daily teaching!)

#3: And exactly when did the term MILF become mainstream? I guess I don't care if 30 Rock wants to parody it, because they got it: It's demeaning to women. Way to go, Jodi Lipper and Cerina Vincent. Way to retard women some more.


1 comment:

Reagan said...

I was trying to figure out who did this post, and pretty quickly realized it was Marcus. But my confusion is the whole Red Fish/Blue Fish thing. I think I had decided in my mind that Catherine was the Red Fish because she has Red Hair. Wouldn't that make sense? Just wanted to share my thoughts.