Sunday, November 18, 2007

Every wish and dream and happy home.

Once upon a time, I found an empty classroom at Wake Forest University while walking to my own class. This empty classroom had been readied for instruction, so the overhead projector was on and projecting a blank Word document onto a screen at the front of the room. Someone -- the teacher, I imagine -- had left his or her materials on the round table in the center of the room (which was a computer lab).

To help, I typed the lyrics to the theme song to Ducktales into the Word document. I enlarged the font so that it was easier to read. Then I left.

Once upon the future, I will have a band that plays music, and it will consist of my family, and we will cover this song almost exactly as it was written:

I will be so happy on that day.

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

I like to think that the teacher quit after that class, because he/she knew those lyrics were a message to just grab onto some ducktales.