Saturday, December 1, 2007

Heart explosion.

Let's start with Nancy Wilson's mediocre guitar playing:

Here's some more video evidence
of how listlessly she performed in the 1970s. Literally nothing is exuding from her soul.

For my money, though, you aren't going to get a bigger explosion of wife-ness than Anne Wilson in this video:

She is stealing my heart with her wiles! I love the drummer, too. And the way Nancy is just jamming over there to the side, totally loving how hard her sister is rocking the vocals.

Also, what is that song about? Feelings? Fish? I vote for "wifes." That is the plural.

Oh, but then.

Then my actual wife and I found this, which I remembered in part, but obviously not in full and total awesomeness. You... you have to brace yourself here. This is where it all peaked for them. Did they upgrade drummers? Yes. Definitely. Did they upgrade hair? Goes without saying. But there's so much more going on here that it almost defies description.

All we're going to point are these two moments:

First, 1:45 in, while she's singing about "words that have no form," Nancy Wilson, dressed like Jareth from Labyrinth, crawls up to a giant plaster horse head. In the middle of the desert.

Second, if you start watching at the 3:00 mark, you're going to see the guitar players fall backward into water while playing their guitars. Out of nowhere. You must see this. Don't worry, either; they magically rise out of the water a few seconds later.

Game, set, match.


Charlotte said...

I posted that video of Barracuda on my livejournal a while back, and I pointed out that He-man is in their band, playing guitar. He also has some great moves. He's actually my favorite part of that video.

Charlotte said...

Also, this is one of my favorite songs by them in their later years:
I could do without the verses, but when they get to "We can't go on just a-runnin away! If we wait any longer, we will surely never get away!" my heart starts beating faster.
And in the video, Nancy really shows her moves. She's been working on them since the beginning, but I think these videos in the 80s really let her get in all the high kicks and lunges she so loves.