Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

We spent our evening watching Once, which is beautiful, and trying to make Marcus feel less like he's going to get sick than he currently does. Because every day in teaching is Valentine's Day, only instead of chocolate, the students give disease.

He's also writing this, which means he's officially talking about himself in the third person.

This is probably our favorite song from the film (although the clips are cut from various places in the story):

It's only 90 minutes long, so it's worth the time. It sat here in our apartment, on loan from NetFlix, for a good three weeks, but tonight it won out over Resident Evil: Extinction.

We also found this list of the top fictional couples of all time (all on one page here). It could have been wrong, like almost every list ever made -- and, oh, I still have a special place in my heart for the Wizard list of top cartoons that put Neon Genesis Evangelion at something like number 80 -- but instead it is awesome.

It's got Midnighter and Apollo! Buffy and Angel, too. And even Gaius and Number 6 from Battlestar Galactica. So while Catherine has no experience with those three things, Marcus is thrilled. And back to the third person.

No, really, about the list: If they're going to include truths like that, it's okay if they also include serial brain-eater and horse-face Carrie Bradshaw and Detective Nolan from Law & Order. Plus, they have Ron and Hermione! (Wait -- Catherine hasn't read the last three of those books, either.)

Another secret you might glean from the list is that if you haven't seen Brokeback Mountain, you need to go ahead and rectify that one. We resisted it for a long time, but it's actually as good as advertised. Mostly for Heath Ledger, who is devoid of emotion for the entire movie. It's like watching a cardboard cutout for two hours. Literally no emotions.

Anyway, here was my plan -- Marcus' plan? I can't remember how I was writing this -- for when Brokeback Mountain was still in theaters. (It didn't work that well when I was watching it with just Catherine, but I still gave it the ol' college try.) I figured on waiting through the whole movie, which is replete with sex and intimacy and such things, and then at the very end, when there's one final, touching moment, standing up and yelling, "Wait, are them queers?" while pointing at the screen in horror. Also in a Southern accent, inexplicably.

On that note, a happy Valentine's Day to everybody!

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

I do remember that plan of yours.
And what a quinky-dink! Zero and I just watched Brokeback Mountain last night for the first time. We were both gotten, hard. Neither of those men have a single feeling. It's such a sad and beautiful movie- I have so much respect for it and everyone involved in it.
Today we saw The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, and it was also such a sad and beautiful movie. Incredible, really. I think you would both like it. Catherine, especially. It's like a painting.