Thursday, February 28, 2008

DAVIS has joined your party.

The happiest I've ever been on a school morning -- mornings that are normally filled with only dread and coffee -- was yesterday when I found this:

Garfield Minus Garfield

I'm at a loss for words to describe it, so just go. Visit. Please.

And then visit this:

Lasagna Cat on YouTube

Again, no words for it. Just joy.

Only my brothers will appreciate the following video, but I've watched it over and over again, each time feeling more like it's the greatest creation in the history of both video games and videos:


Charlotte said...

C'mon, I watched and listened to you guys play video games every day. Those sights and sounds hold a special place in my heart too.
I want to know how you came upon all this Garfield magic. That first link is too good to be true. And then Lasagna Cat... well. Seeing the comic strips done live makes them so weird and uncomfortable- it's great. Thanks for this.

Reagan said...

Lee is now dancing with one of our cats while humming along to the Final Fantasy music. So I guess he likes it, too.