Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Josh and Heidi are having a baby! We are both so very excited with this news. This of course means I want a baby, but all Marcus wants is Sam Giles' beard.

He says its basically a toss-up between the two for him. Josh and Heidi are going to have such a pretty baby!

In other news, today was the first day of my internship. It went amazingly well. My supervisors and the director of the gallery were all supportive and encouraging. It looks like I will have a lot of responsibility as the development intern, but I will also be getting experience in many different areas of the gallery. Exciting news for next week-- Exit Art rents out its space for Fashion Week, which I will be helping out with. Sometimes I have to pinch myself when I realize that I actually work and go to school in New York. Fingers crossed that it keeps going well.

My classes start tomorrow. The biggest parts of my semester will be devoted to creating work for my senior show and my nonprofit business plan. Marcus is helping me articulate my ideas and compose a thesis for the exhibition in May. My first crit is in just a few short weeks, so I am going to have to get my rear in gear. I mean, I am not going to have to work at all because all my work is going to consist of poop in a can.


Julia said...

Wasn't that just tomato sauce though? That means even less work. You just have to re-label tomato sauce. Actually mix it up a little bit. Re-label cans of garbanzo beans. FROM THE SUPER STOP AND SHOP. Then talk about how garbanzo beans are like your soul and how hummus is your soul on drugs. POW!

This is what I think about while waiting for my bedtime tea to cool.

nicole said...

yay for cool internships! i can't wait to talk about it with you. and sam's beard. that's what i can talk about with your husband. it'll be so fun.